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About Us

Finding Inspiration in Every Turn

The mission of the CharterChoice Collaborative (SFA) is
to provide access to food service to charter schools and
other schools, as allowed by law, by means of federally
approved subsidized programs and other available food
service programs and options, with an emphasis on
healthy food, and health and wellness initiatives.

Our Mission
Fruits and Vegetables

Principle of Partnership

As a Colorado Charter School Collaborative,
our partner charter schools make up our
organization. We aim to create a customized
meal program solution designed to meet
your school and school community's needs.

Who We Are
Lunch Time

Our Mission in Action

Lunch Bags

Current participation in School Breakfast, National
School Lunch, Afterschool Snack, Summer Food Service,
Early Childhood Snack, and At-Risk Supper Meal Programs

Our Work
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